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Refuting 119Ministries Polygyny Video

It is with deep regret that we find it necessary to refute 119Ministries for significant error in their most recent video regarding their (un)Biblical position concerning polygyny.

While we admit this is a third rail topic laden with cultural and emotional baggage, we also believe that Truth is more important than public opinion. And, defending our Elohim, His Word and the honor of our fathers, the Patriarchs, is well worth the potential cost.

In the interest of ‘Testing Everything’, we present our well articulated response to 119Ministries’ error laden video. We are deeply sorry to see 119Ministries sacrifice their once solid reputation by handling clear Scripture so very poorly.

Refuting 119Ministry Errors on Polygyny

Of Healing, Wombs and Mercy

Recently, I listened to a teaching about healing. The teacher shared with the audience a selection of scriptures about healing, and the first one was Genesis 20:17-18. That caught my attention for a couple of reasons and led me on an interesting line of investigation and discovery.

Continue reading “Of Healing, Wombs and Mercy”

Marriage Is a Truth That Cannot Be Redefined. Really?

Over at, Ms. Star Parker wrote a piece with the title “Marriage is a Truth That Cannot be Redefined.” While the overall context of her piece is situated in American history since about 1835 to the present day with the Respect for Marriage Act about to be signed into law, Ms. Parker either is ignorant of over 20 centuries of redefining marriage by secular governments and religious authorities or she is intentionally gaslighting her audience. I think it’s the former because so many people are ignorant of the history of marriage down through the centuries.

Continue reading “Marriage Is a Truth That Cannot Be Redefined. Really?”

Two Federalist Articles Calling for Men to Be Real Men

The Federalist website posts commentary on the news and politics of the day. Recently, they posted two pieces on the “masculinity crisis” and the large number of unmarried women voting against their own interests out of fear. Whether knowingly or not, both men are calling for the return of the patriarchy, marriage and the subsequent destruction of radical leftist feminist ideology.

The first article is written by Casey Chalk and titled “Men Need Restoration, Not Leftist Ridicule, To Fix Our Modern Masculinity Crisis“.

The second article is written by Christian Winter and titled “How Conservative Men Can Help Solve The GOP’s Single Women Problem“.

Be in your place, guest post

Following is a reblog of a post by Joanne in 2014. Timeless truth more needed today than ever!!

Be in your place

Monday, August 25, 2014, Joanne

I have learned a lot about submission and the woman’s place ever since I began following the Lord, but know I have so far to go. For any who have followed my posts over the years I’m sure you have noticed the changes, or maybe you have not. Whatever the case, I have and I am thankful to the Lord for his mercy and patience. I am also thankful for his grace that continues to shape and refine me. He will do the same for you too… IF you want him to … but you must have a sincere desire to be in your God-given place.

When I first started following the Lord I was so excited to be free from the sins I was living in. Yes, I had to forsake the sin, but when I finally decided to do that there was such a light feeling … a release from the bondage I was in. I was hyped up and ready to share truths with anyone who would listen – because surely they wanted to hear, right? Among other things, this blog was certainly one place where I could share the truths I saw in the scriptures.

Over the years I began to learn the true place of a woman, and it’s certainly not out in public preaching to any and all who will hear / read / listen. The scriptures are so clear: we are to be in submission to our head, be it our husband, father, pastor, etc. A woman without a head is out of order, plain and simple. A woman who is not in proper submission is not right with the Lord.

It is NOT our place to be in the public view teaching things that are for men to teach. Yes, we may share truths pertaining specifically to women, but we may never try to convince a woman of truths beyond those basic things. What things? Conveniently, we have somewhat of a list in Titus 2:

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Titus 2

We must first be an example. We cannot teach these things if we do not live them ourselves. Our actions speak so much louder than our words. 

I realize there are a lot of posts on my blog that are NOT in line with what a woman ought to be sharing with other women. Several months ago (or a year already? I don’t know) I seriously considered deleting them all, however after some counsel from brothers I deleted some but left many. I appreciate seeing them there as a reminder of where I have come from and how far I have yet to go.

Women getting together in groups is very dangerous. How often have women gathered together, talked about doctrines or other spiritual matters beyond what is their proper place and little seeds been planted which cause one woman or another (or many) to go against what their husbands believe? If this is you, you could be fostering their rebellion!  The easiest thing we could do is just avoid these situations all together. Do not allow yourself to be in a group of women who are talking doctrine and such. If it comes up, simply walk away; leave the conversation. If there is an opportunity, try to change the subject to something fitting for women. If it seems necessary, find a way to humbly share that the group conversation is stepping where it should not be stepping. Sincere lovers of the truth will appreciate knowing they are stepping in to an area that is not pleasing to the Lord or their heads.

There are countless numbers of women, all righteous in their own eyes, who see nothing wrong with stepping above their husbands and doing their own thing because they see something in the scriptures that their husband does not. This puts the woman above her man, making her the head instead of him. But what does the bible say?

But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:3 

In several places we are told to submit to our husbands [or head]. We are even told in 1 Peter 3 that we can actually win our disobedient husbands to the truth by our actions alone (no words needed). The key is: submission and being meek, quiet, chaste. These are the things we must be focused on. We could have all of our doctrines and theologies correct but if we are not in our proper place none of our beliefs will matter. The Lord is looking for a meek and quiet woman. He says this is what is of great value to him. 

An example would be: maybe you meet a woman that is not covering her head. Do not automatically assume she is going against the bible; it could just be that it is her heart’s desire to cover her head but her husband believes it is not necessary. If you try to convince her to cover her head contrary to what her husband believes and desires for HIS wife, then you are encouraging her to be rebellious against her husband. That is his wife, not yours. It is always safe and pleasing to the Lord to encourage women to be in their place.

Not too long ago I was visiting ‘back home’ and a woman asked me why I dressed the way I was dressed. This led in to her asking more about my testimony and then she said, “So do you believe ______?” The subject of her question does not matter. The point is, she wanted to talk doctrine and it was a particular belief that I hold and my ‘head’ does not. This brought up a wonderful opportunity to speak to her about submission – a much more fitting subject for women to be talking about and encouraging each other in. 

We must be careful! To say anything contrary against our ‘head’ is probably the most disrespectful thing we could do. God hates this! And you will be judged by it if you do not repent. Regardless of whether you agree with him or not, he is your head and you are his helper. Your job is to help him be the man God wants him to be. You be the women God wants you to be by being in your proper place. Do not dishonor him. Lift him up!

Let us encourage married women to submit to their husbands, single women still at home to submit to their fathers, and single women on their own to submit to their elder / pastor.

Women, some hard truths most men are afraid to tell you…

Please pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and a box of tissues. Oh, and if there is a stuffed animal or some such nearby, you may want that when you feel like throwing something. This is not going to be easy for you to hear, but you need to.

Let’s cut right to the chase, modern western feminist culture along with postmodern Christendom has lied to you. A lot! Ultimately, the lies come from the adversary, but culture and Christendom have been the mouthpiece and you have been the willful, even eager, participant absorbing and sharing the lies because they made you feel good. Now, culture and Christendom are a cancerous rot and everyone is afraid to lance the festering boil because it is painful and ugly, but healing and restoration can only come from addressing and correcting the problems.

Continue reading “Women, some hard truths most men are afraid to tell you…”

Creating a family friendly income is principally about restoring the Biblical family structure. There are many tools in the adversary’s bag that are used to tear family apart. One such tool, often unrecognized, is work related.

While God’s plan for Adam was to have dominion and to be fruitful and multiply, it wasn’t for Adam to go one way and his helper, Chava, to go another. Rather, evidenced all through Scripture, families worked together, whether agriculturally or in a trade. Simply, families with a unified vision, are much more stable against the attacks of the adversary and much more resilient against the instability of the economy if some simple knowledge is applied.

I just reviewed a book by Rory Groves on that I strongly recommend as a clear roadmap to building a family friendly source of income. Durable Trades not only explains why a family business in the ‘durable trades’ is great wisdom, but details over 60 durable trades and their respective pluses and minuses!! Of even better news is that many can be worked simultaneously further diversifying and securing family income while strengthening your family through shared vision, work, and interaction.

Details in that article as well as links to a youtube video interview. Check it out!!