I’m Going To Israel!! (And, you can help!)

I am so incredibly excited right now, I do not know whether to run, jump, dance or…  Doors to a long time dream to spent time in The Land have just opened up!

Here’s the scoop!!

Yes, I have long wanted to visit the Land of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but have been content to wait.  Early last Fall I received an invitation to participate in a conference in May 2015, but because we were packing to move with no place to go and because I saw no financial way to participate, I put the invite on the shelf and forgot about it.

A few weeks ago a friend asked me if I have any needs in ministry that they might be able to help out with, and at the time I knew of nothing, so I thanked them and politely declined.  Then a couple days ago, as I read Al McCarn’s new book, I was reminded of the conference and it purpose: It is the First Ephramite/Northern Israel National Congress, details at link. I was prompted to pray and ask if this was something I needed to pursue.  Since then, it has been confirmed a couple ways and my friend has offered to help, but asked me to give you, my readers and friends the opportunity to share in this project with your own help.

The conference is two days after Shavuot, so most attendees plan to  arrive before the Feast for prayer and fellowship before the business nature of the Congress.  Cost for airfare for Kelly and myself will be $2500 plus $156/day for hotel (includes breakfast and dinner).  Other incidentals will include Hanoch Young taking some of us on a tour for a couple days as well as taxis, tips, etc…  Total will be in the $4000 range.

Please pray and ask Abba if this might be something He would have you help to fund.  I hope to be of service to the Congress as a willing worker and participant in discussing and seeking to help implement a plan that will begin to bring the dry bones together for the world to see.

Any who feel led to help with both prayer and/or finances, please contact me at natsab2013 (at) gmail.com.

I look forward to writing and blogging from Northern Israel at Shavuot.

Baruch Yehovah!!

Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

13 thoughts on “I’m Going To Israel!! (And, you can help!)”

    1. Hey, not half as excited as I am!! Sent an email to Sue a bit ago… Looking forward to meeting them as well. Hoping we can tag along with you guys on Hanoch’s tours. Drop me an email with your travel plans and expected dates in country! We haven’t booked flights yet, so a bit flexible, still…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Praising Yah!!!! HAPPY DANCE!!! This is going to be a life-changing experience for all of us!!! I hope a whole group of us can tour with Hanoch prior to the conference – what a wonderful way to get to know one another and be prepared to work together as a real team. SO thrilling!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You just had a post saying you would give $10,000 to someone who prove the Sabbath was change from Shabbat to Sunday.

    Did someone win the challange? What happened to your 10k?


    1. I had that stickied to the top but changed in favor of something else. No, lots of readers, but nobody with a single shred of Scripture. Didnt have/dont need 10k for that post. It isnt possible. 🙂


      1. Oh okay. I always assumed that when people offer things in a contest they actually have the item they’re offering (Like you actually having 10k to offer). No matter how absurd the contest is.

        It’s just the ethics of it. Also know as Mussar in Judaism.

        Thanks for the clarity 🙂


    2. Have read the Scriptures many times. Never found a change from ‘seventh day Sabbath ‘ to first day of the week. Have read in Catholic writings that they did it though. Will stick with the Scripture. HIS WORD never fails. HE changes not!


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