Will I ever be enough for you, Israel?

I didn’t write this, but I wish I had….  both Al’s comments and the original blog itself.  Want to hear and understand my heart and what I see in Scripture?  This does a pretty good job encapsulating my thoughts.  Hats off to both Al McCarn for this find and comments as well as to the original author, Virag Gulyas, being willing to radically share her heart and frustration.

“This is a paradigm-shattering concept that Christians and Jews especially need to understand.  The sooner we do, the sooner we arrive at Messiah’s coming in power and great glory to finish this work of redemption and restoration.”

Somewhere in the prophets, just before God talks about the terrible things that happen when Israel is attacked in the Last Days and Messiah comes in the nick of time, there is this promise of restoration:

“I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them back, because I have had compassion on them; and they will be as though I had not rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and I will answer them.  Ephraim will be like a mighty man, and their heart will be glad as if from wine; indeed, their children will see it and be glad, their heart will rejoice in the Lord.  I will whistle for them to gather them together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before.  When I scatter them among the peoples, they will remember Me in far countries…

Continue reading: Will I ever be enough for you, Israel?

B’ney Yosef website and other news…

Hey guys, just a quick note that B’ney Yosef North America has a couple new websites up.  The first, one you can follow for any hot new info, is B’ney Yosef North America.  There a tons of important parts/additions/pages in the works for this site as it will be the hub for BYNA news, events, coordination and virtual gathering.

Tzefanyah has just set up a dedicated National Shabbat site that will help connect and inform the nation concerning National Shabbat events.  Besides SC and North GA events, we hear a National Shabbat is in the works in South Central TX as well as possibly AZ.  Stay tuned, or better yet, get involved!!

The Summit is just about three weeks away!  Time is flying and pieces are coming together.  Pray Abba brings those HE wants there and that He prepare us to do the work we feel He is leading us into. 

We covet your prayers!!

Until The Two Become One (Must read, by Ken Rank)

Following is a terrific article by Ken Rank explaining the Two Stick Prophecy of Ezekiel 37, a passage that is largely overlooked by theologians in its significance.

Until the Two Become One

by Ken Rank

What the herders did not see before them was their brother. In fact, before Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers, they had spent at least many hours with him, dining, being entertained, and also being berated and yet they saw only an Egyptian. To anyone who joseph-brothersmight have been standing at a distance, looking upon Joseph and that family of herders, being able to see that they were family would likely have been impossible.

The Prophet Ezekiel gives us a similar end-time picture in that we have two players who might just as well stand in such contrast. In chapter 37, verse 16, where we read the following:

“And you, son of man, take a stick and write on it, For Judah and for his companions, the sons of Israel. And take another stick and write on it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel, his companions.”

What is easy to miss in the above verse is that Ezekiel takes two blank sticks that represent people and he is to identify who the two sticks are. The first he determines as Judah and those who are joined with Judah. The second stick is said to be for Joseph, but a stick that is Ephraim, and it includes the House of Israel and those joined to Israel. So we have a lot going on in this one verse. Most scholars believe that these two sticks represent the Whole House of Jacob, what was once a great nation that divided into two Kingdoms, Judah and Israel. But why the use of those names?  Continue reading at United2Restore

Visited a Crime Scene, Today.

Today, we visited the scene of a crime.  It actually is one of the primary reasons I came to Israel.  Next week’s Congress is vitally important in the process of restoring the whole House of Israel, but today was a required prerequisite.  Without returning to the scene of the crime committed by our fathers against the Holy One of Israel, all of next week’s efforts would be for nought.

DSCN0912Today, we visited the ruins of the ancient temple build by Jeroboam at Tel Dan.  The facts of the crime are simple:

In order to cement his new kingdom and kingship he,

  • Established a new priesthood
  • Established new holydays
  • Redefined God with gods.

Sound familiar?  Kinda like what Christendom did…  new priesthood/religion, new Continue reading “Visited a Crime Scene, Today.”

Counting down… (and, a special song!!)

Several months ago, when we began planning/preparing for the trip to Israel it seemed so far off on the calendar.  I remember writing a countdown on my office calendar that exceeded 100 days and thinking, ‘it will never get here!’

Well, lately, things have been happening so fast my head is spinning and I can hardly sleep!  Abba has been directing pieces so clearly that this walk has simply been an amazing dream-like state where I wait with baited breath to see each new thing He will accomplish as He goes before us.  Truly, an amazing experience.

From the beginning, I have sensed that this Congress could have significance implications for many, many people.  This sense has been confirmed by many people through private and public words and prophecy.

I want to thank the many who have made this possible through gifts and prayer.  Time will tell, but your faithfulness may have incredibly far reaching impact.

My plan over the next several weeks Continue reading “Counting down… (and, a special song!!)”


Following is a terrific paper with lots of Scripture detailing the vision of Ephraim from a Hebraic perspective from an author IN the Land.

ranger6I do not yet know exactly where/how Abba is leading in this time, but feel so drawn to take a stand at this point for Ephraim and his return to the Land.  Personally, my attitude of late is almost a swashbuckling swagger in terms of bringing Ephraim back together and taking a stand.  It feels much like my warrior Airborne Ranger days when we suited up to head into the bush for a mission.  My attitude is definitely that of a warrior.

For months I have been getting into shape and am back to military weight and nearly the same physique, though 25 years older than my heyday.  But the attitude has come back.  I am so ready to take a stand…  not in a braggadocios way, but simply a ‘the time is NOW!’ stand.  I know not what lies ahead, but Abba has definitely been awakening the warrior and molding me.  Please pray for wisdom, discernment and patience.  I am ready to hit the trail.  (My Sunday School class got some yesterday…  listen in!)  No prisoners!  The intensity is way up!

This upcoming Congress is so at the center of my scope.  It is the focus of my prayers, action and attitude.  We have a mission…  I can’t explain it, but feel this call.  May Abba lead and guide!!

Here is the article from Etz B’ney Yosef,  ‘The Tree of Joseph.’

The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel are Returning Home
We, the Jewish Nation that lives in Israel, have a surprise coming. Individuals from all
over the world, in growing numbers, are waking up to the possibility that they might
belong to the People of Israel. Are they Jews? Are they descendants of Jews? The
answer is “not necessarily”. How is it, then, that they assume some kind of relatedness to
the People of Israel? Well, these individuals view themselves as belonging to that part of
the Nation of Israel which has assimilated, and supposedly has been lost among the
nations of the world for thousands of years. That, however, will not always be the case… Continue reading ““IT IS MY BROTHERS WHOM I AM SEEKING””

DYNAMITE radio interview and discussion!!

Yesterday, I reviewed Al McCarn’s new book, Give Me A Place Where I May Dwell.  This morning I had opportunity to sit and listen to his interview on Hebrew Nation Radio.

In the first hour, not without some technical difficulties, McCarn discussed his journey and how the book came about wherein he asserts the right of Ephraim and proposes a plan of action as the ‘bones of Ezekiel’ begin to come together.  It is a good interview, but the second hour is DYNAMITE!!  HNR’s second guest is a no-show, so the hosts engage in a round table discussion explaining and reviewing the Scriptures concerning Ephraim and the prophesied return and reunification of All Israel.

This second hour will make an excellent primer for those who have no background and are trying to understand why and what we believe according to Scripture reference the destiny of One Body.

I highly recommend this interview, particularly the second half for those trying to understand or learn to articulate the fulness of Scripture.