Have you got “Skin in the Game?”

To all of my Messianic and Torah learning/observing/keeping brothers and sisters out there:  It is time for a heart check!!

Are you an exile or a captive?  How do you view yourself?

Do you have “Skin in the Game,” or are you content to wander in this wilderness of exile?

Here is a MUST HEAR wake-up call.  Sit down, listen and then do something!  Get in, or get out, but cut the luke-warm cr… junk out!

Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

8 thoughts on “Have you got “Skin in the Game?””

    1. That’s what I got to say : Yes Hanoch is right! My love to the land and people of Yisrael has nothing to do with this government for that’s not the Yisrael it is ought to be ac, Yah’s will. What happens there is nothing else than what happens over whole the world stirred by evil. As everybody is called to do something about it and take a stand for what is right and good in Yah’s eyes so are we all committed to Him called also to do something about it in and for Yisrael, land and people. The love I have for both the people and the land is a going love since many many years, actually it started conscious to me when I still was a child, and in the growing process I have not only taken stand for my belief but for Yisrael at all, (even left the church I was involved first for that cause), as I consider myself a part of Yisrael. I started out with partaking in the process of repentance toward the Jewish people in the 80 and 90ties in my own homeland, then selling music and books of the Jewish people and the messinaic Jewish people transferring the items from Yisrael into Germany and making a stand on seminars and conferences etc. I always prayed for the Jewish people and also for the people of the other tribes to return to Yisrael since I had my eyes opened to the revelation of Yah’s word to me. I have been in prayer groups to just and only reason to pray for that cause, for the church I left would not even consider to do that. Nowadays I have a site on FB against BDS and much more. I had the privilege in the end 90ties to be for sukkot 2 weeks in Yisrael and I honestly must confess I lost my heart complete there and didn’t want to return where I was coming from. When Yah gives green light to going and pitch tent there I will be there. First of all to help and be a part in that Yah’s plan comes true not only with the Jewish people but with all of us who a re committed to Yah. Yes I stand for what I believe and my actions shall be accordingly. That is called lived faith. Praise Yah for it is He who does it and not me for His own honor, praise and thanks.

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  1. One more comment and that I didn’t point it enough out in my previous comment what is simply expressed as Al also said it: EPHRAYIM IS NOT READY YET AS A WHOLE TO MOVE IN as also the circumstances are not given and if they would Ephrayim needs to get ready first and that goes only through deep repentance and I cannot see it really yet.


  2. This is the best, most honest and forthright discussion I have yet heard about Israel / Ephraim. Thank you, Hanoch, for your honesty, and thanks, Mike, for stepping in to explain and elaborate at important points. If we can maintain this kind of clear-sighted, constructive, honest yet respectful discussion, we may actually get somewhere – like maybe all the way to Israel! Thanks for posting this, Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shalom, Pete. To address the first part of the interview and topic, I read an interesting book recently arguing that the current Temple Mount and Western Wall are NOT the location of the original Temple(s) foundation rather the originals are located within The City of David just outside of current Temple Mount complex. Robert Cornuke summarizes the work and research of Dr. Ernest L. Martin in a book ‘Temple, Amazing New Discoveries that Change Everything About the Location of Solomon’s Temple’. This is not necessarily a new position but it remains outside of the mainstream. Worth a look. I think there is a decent video on it posted too. Shalom. Phil


      1. A lot of digging and discovery going on in the City of David. I think Hezekiah’s seal was unearthed there. What if a ‘game changing’ discovery is made there? Where is that Ark of the Covenant by the way?


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