A truth that cuts both ways…

This is an amazing video that just covered me in chills!!!  Understand what is  happening here as the awakening accelerates!!

A Jewish woman at Azusa Now sang the Shema and cried out “Hoshianna!”  While her intemt was to cry out to God on behalf of Judah, something MUCH greater was spoken before that crowd as she knelt and faced Jerusalem!

She cried out, “Shema Israel” to a crowd who are  part of Israel!!  She said, “We are a stiff-necked people.”  And, indeed, BOTH Houses, the House of Judah (Jews, primarily) and the House of Israel (the other ten tribes) have been stiff-necked and walked in blindness.  One to the Torah and the other to the Messiah. 

What this lady said and did at that worship event was speak eternal truth into the ears of all who see/hear this.  I cannot begin to explain the magnitude of what happened right there!!

We will ONLY be restored when each house repents for their respective area of blindness.

Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

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