I’m still here… an update.

My sincerest apologies for not having written more in the last couple weeks.  The combination of having a too full plate, work and travel as well as just plain ‘hitting a wall’ has had me on a bit of a writing hiatus.  My head is full, as I shared yesterday with the western South Carolina fellowships that gathered to hear an update on B’ney Yosef North America, but I have not been putting pen to paper.  Several dedicated readers laughingly chided me on taking a break.

A reminder for all, the archives are a rich source of topics delving into the Hebraic.  I even go back and read articles from time to time and glean still more from the exploration into the Word, church history and how Christendom ever wandered so far from the Way.  Many of those articles serve a great resource to help others who are just starting this journey.

I hope, in the next couple days, to begin tackling a huge topic that affects all of us, but particularly the North American continent.  The subject and its implications deserves a book, but I may only be able to apply a couple posts at this time.  Never-the-less, it will set a foundation for us to walk out together another area of repentance as we repair the breaches.

Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

3 thoughts on “I’m still here… an update.”

  1. Thank you for the update Pete, it’s good to know that things are well with you and yours. It was interesting to hear some of what the Father has has been revealing lately. Yah clearly blesses the obedient heart!


  2. Looking forward to hearing what Abba has been talking to you about!! I have been ‘quiet’ too – working on Romans, and it is FAR more dedicated to Torah than I ever imagined! WOW! Wish there were more hours in the day! Blessings, brother 🙂


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