Kelly’s Tallit (Final Pics)

img_20160922_192832325_hdrI owe Chana an apology.  About eight or nine weeks ago she completed and mailed Kelly’s handwoven tallit.  Busyness, health issues and a few other minor complications got in the way of my promised final pictures.  Well, yesterday evening, I used my limited camera skills to snap a few in our newly painted living room.  After taking the pics, I have to say I really like the location and the way they turned out.

Lighting could have been a little better, but the picture behind adds so much depth and richness to the subject and reason for the tallit.

Made entirely of linen and colors changed very often to assemble the beautiful pattern, this is a one-of-a-kind tallit that will last for decades or more.  Truly, a very special and functional piece of wearable art.  Thank you, Chana!!

Here are a few more pics of Chana’s beautiful work.  May Abba bless her hands as she ministers in this special manner!!


Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

8 thoughts on “Kelly’s Tallit (Final Pics)”

  1. Pete, I was talking with someone tonight about his trip to Israel. He is what I call a traditional Sunday Christians however he takes his faith and faith walk very seriously. He made the remarke that on his visit to the Western Wall he felt sorry for the Jews. They yearn for the temple to be rebuilt so they could worship Him and so He can dwell with them. He said that “they don’t get it that God dwells in us and not in a temple and we can worship Him at any time”. How would you have answered him.


    1. That is a sensitive topic that goes right to the heart of the -divide between Christendom and Judaism: is God’s Word true, as written, or do we have to redefine it?

      – Ezekiel 40 – 47 promises a Temple wherein the Prince/Messiah oversees the sacrifice. Judaism looks expectantly, Christendom redefines because they do not understand.

      – The sentiment your friend expresses is Christendom’s incorrect (and, anti-Semitic) understanding of Judaism’s obedience, where generally, Judah keeps the commandments out of love and simple obedience.

      My experience is that there is a far greater awareness and expectation among observant Jews for the Messiah than among Christians.

      Bottom-line: If he claims to believe all Scripture is inspired and profitable for doctrine, then how does he handle Ezekiel? If he has to spiritualize or explain it away, he doesn’t believe what is written… Same for a 100 other passages in the Prophets.


  2. thanks Pete, I don’t know what pains me more the arrogance or the lack of curiosity. Take plenty of pics when you go to Israel and keep us up to date.


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