Israel Inspired: What’s the Story with these Torah Observant Gentiles?

As Jeremy returns from his cross country tour, he and Ari discuss the historically unparalleled phenomenon of Torah studying gentiles who love Israel and the Jewish people. What is at the core of this movement? What is the motivation? Tune in as Ari and Jeremy address both the harmony and the tension that this revolution is bringing to the world.

I just listened to a recent episode of Israel Inspired with Rabbis Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel titled, What’s the Story with these Torah Observant Gentiles?  WOW!!!  What a great and encouraging listen!  Highly, highly recommended.  The show made my eyeballs sweat a couple times!

We continue to have evidence, over and over, that Abba is doing something amazing in our day.  These two gentlemen not only acknowledge it, but are asking some of the very hard questions that need to be asked?  Who are we?  Why is this happening?  What do they, the Jews, do with us?

This is a MUST listen episode.


Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

12 thoughts on “Israel Inspired: What’s the Story with these Torah Observant Gentiles?”

  1. Great broadcast! How awesome to see and feel the beginnings of our Father taking the Two in His Hand, Lovingly bringing Them close enough so They look each other in the eye, and each say “I recognize you, my Brother. I respect, love and need you.” Only by obeying our Father together, seeking Him together, and building the Other up unselfishly, will we be ready and equipped for when He chooses
    to make us One again in Him. His Kingdom come!!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. FANTASTIC!!! Can’t wait to see you all again!!!! I shared the audio broadcast with every friend I could think of: Here was the first response –

        “What an AWESOME audio!!!! Thank you SO much for sending it!!!!!”

        “An interesting note – Rivkah Adler wants to do an interview on Aqaba [our community] for Israel Breaking News. I [Valerie] had just gotten an email from Kimberly and her about it when I got the audio from you. (Miraculous timing?) I sent Rivkah the link so that she could listen to it for prep for her interviews. Doesn’t it show how Abba may be moving things along a lot quicker than we have all imagined? Hearts have been being changed while we all sleep, ha ha… and if the nation changes, there may be able to be a coming together, yet, huh?

        I got a little glimpse, (have had a few before), but today again, of the plan that the angels have longed to look into and how so many have longed to be in the generation that sees this happen…Baruch YHWH!….Makes me cry tears of joy.. ”

        “I just got a ‘ha-ha’ email back from Rivkah. She says that it was their broadcast that inspired her to want to write about it – too cool!”

        Praising Yah with you, Pete!

        Liked by 1 person

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