Let me tell you how AWESOME my King is!!!…

About four weeks ago, on a fine Friday morning, I pulled out of my drive while listening to James Block’s Restoration (Psalm 80) and singing at the top of my lungs.  Not paying attention and for no particular reason, I crested a hill less than a mile from home doing 2009-Dodge-Charger-police-car-1about 71 in a 55 and I got busted!  Immediately, I raised my hand and thanked the Father saying, “I don’t know what You are up to, but thank you.”  And, I stopped as quickly and safely as possible, was totally compliant and utterly disappointed in the $185 – 4 point ticket I was blessed with.

It could not possibly have happened at a worse time!  Seriously!  The day before, my job had submitted paperwork for me to go to school in late July with the SC DMV to be certified as a third party CDL tester.  Four points does more than jeopardize me as a CDL trainer/tester.  It ends my job!!  I asked for prayer, informed my supervisor and dreaded my day in court.

This morning was the day and I went prepared to plead guilty, ask for the points to be dropped and offer to pay the full fine.

Let me tell you what happened…

So, I get there a safe 30 minutes early and find a couple people sitting in the lobby of the jail/Magistrates’ Court.  Plenty of empty seats where I could sit to myself, but was drawn toward a particular gentleman of about my same age and had a seat with an empty between us.

Almost immediately, he commented on my camouflaged ball cap with ‘Veteran’ and military unit patch emblazoned on it with, “Thank you for your service.”

I asked, “Did you serve?”  His affirmative reply and details led us on a conversation comparing notes and thoughts about the state of our nation.

The conversation soon, though cautiously, drifted into a discussion about eschatology, global events and the state of the church.  Somewhere in there he mentioned the Book of Enoch and it was ‘game on!’  Here was someone who had done some research…

I shared my testimony a bit about how I came out of the church and how our Father has been leading me.  In the discussion I found that he was not from around here…  However, he hailed from a place where I know of an excellent Messianic home fellowship.  As Father’s plan would have it, he happened to have been traveling the road by my house the same morning I got a ticket and was blessed in kind by the same officer…  Seriously.  I can’t make this stuff up!

As our conversation drifted into a discussion on the veil in the Tabernacle (Mishkan), he turns and says, “I think we were supposed to meet today.  This is the reason why we are here.”  I nodded an excited agreement!  Father planned this!!  I gave him my email so he could contact me.

We were called back to line up outside the Judge’s courtroom and we went to the back of the line…  I was hoping for more ‘talk time,’ but Father had other plans.  The officer called my name first and I went into the courtroom where there was a Judge and the ticketing officer.  Nobody else.

After a couple seconds of paper shuffling, the Judge asked the officer some question and the officer said, “Nol pros.”

“Are you sure?” retorted the Judge and the officer nodded a ‘yes.’

The Judge turned to me and asked, “Do you know what that means?”

“No sir.  I haven’t a clue!”

“For some reason, this officer is dropping all charges and the ticket never happened.”

WOW!!  What a blessing!

I thanked both and admitted guilt.  The Judge admonished me to slow down, which is good advice, though seriously, I still don’t know why/how I was speeding that morning…

I turned and briskly walked from the courtroom and out the door knowing I had just witnessed my King doing something amazing!!  He orchestrated all of those events precisely to put me together with a gentleman who, whether knowing it or not, was looking for me.


1st Lesson:  Give thanks in ALL things, trusting that Yehovah knows what HE is doing!

2nd Lesson: Some blessings may not look like blessings as first…

3rd Lesson: As days get darker, Abba will orchestrate putting His people together!  Be open and let Him lead!!

Just thought I’d share this testimony as an encouragement!

Author: Pete Rambo

Details in 'About' page @ natsab.wordpress.com Basically, husband of one, father of four. Pastor x 11 years, former business and military background. Micro-farmer. Messianic believer in Yeshua haMashiach!

8 thoughts on “Let me tell you how AWESOME my King is!!!…”

  1. Praise Yahweh! 3rd lesson truth!…..I had a similar experience last week when I went to have my teeth cleaned. I had a new hygienist and we started talking about world events and then it led into religion and faith. He was raised mormon and is now part of a main stream christian church. We talked about how America was built on a judeo-christian faith, but where did the judeo part go, which led into me sharing with him some of the hebrew roots of my faith in Messiah. And he said, “this is interesting the guy whose teeth I cleaned right before you was sharing some of the same stuff you are and I’m going to look into what you are talking about”.

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  2. Hey Pete,
    It’s amazing what YHVH does in those situations and it’s not until afterwards that you can see what He is teaching you through these trials. Beautiful blessing of His Grace in getting ticket dropped and most importantly having you cross paths with that gentleman. Blessings Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

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